.ping-pong ball
How to play
1. Grab the spoon and the ping pong ball
2. Put the ping pong ball on the ovel part on the spoon
3. Hold the handle with 1 hand and put the other hand by your side
4. Start walking to the end of the field
5. Go round the cone and come back
6. Then put your hand back down by your side
7. Walk back and give the spoon and ball to the organizers
8. If your a senior and you drop the ball you are out. (year 4-6)
9. If you are a Junior you get 2 chances. (year 0-3)
10. At the end if you don't drop the ball you get a prize
11. No fighting
12. Cheer for people
13. No taking peoples turn
14. Keep taking turns
15. No making fun of people when they lose
16. No annoying people
17. Listen to the organizers
18. No pushing/tripping
19. All ages
20. Be honest
21.Max 6 people
22.Be respectful
17. Listen to the organizers
18. No pushing/tripping
19. All ages
20. Be honest
21.Max 6 people
22.Be respectful